Monday, January 30, 2017

7 Generations Later

I hope the day will come,
Where the great great grandkids of my great great grandkids,
Wander in a world where they can be themselves.

Where love is the way of the land,
And hate is rid from this existence,

That their hands will never be stained red,
or that their faces never be scared pale.

Where Bruce Willis blew up that damn asteroid,
And Ian Ziering chainsawed through that Sharknado.

Superman comes and inspires hope,
And I dunno, Morgan Freeman is the Pope.

This message is to you
In what seems like a galaxy far, far away.

Never stop fighting,
Never stop believing.

Your spirit, that human spirit?
That is the greatest weapon of all.
Stake everything on it's greatness.

Life is simple,
You solve one problem.
Then the next, and then the next.
If you do the math one step at a time
You'll find the key to happiness.

You can do it,
You big beautiful bastards,

I believe in you.
And you should too.

Saturday, January 28, 2017


They say moving forward is the best thing to do. Forward, a direction in front of you. Forward Action. Forward Thinking. Forward, backward, sideways. Isn't it all the same? The answer is no. Move forward, think forward, act forward. But not too forward, don't want to get tased. By moving forward we become better people. Isn't that what we all want in life? To be better people? It can only happen if we move forward, towards our wants, dreams, passions, and self-betterment.

Forward is the way.
In which you can see yourself
Truly be happy.