Sunday, February 5, 2017

Five Little Dots

            There once was five little dots; Dot, Dotty, Dottette, DotDot, and Steve. On a peculiar Saturday morning, the five little dots went outside to play but soon discovered that their land had perished. The grass was brown, the trees all fallen down. Remnants of fire lurked everywhere and the little dots, all except Steve, had not idea what to do.

            "We have to move forward." Steve proclaimed.

            "But where, and how?" the other little dots inquired.

            "To the west, and on a raft." the self-voted leader replied.

            With a quick hurrah and five hours well spent, the little dots soon had a raft fit to sail the seven seas. As high fives were exchanged and smiles found all around, the little dots all gathered atop the sturdy raft. With a mighty push and a complying wind, the little dots soon found themselves sailing steadfast on a hope-filled journey to the west.

            Seven days had soon passed, and the little dots had felt that they would be scot free. This was proven wrong soon after however, as the raft they called shelter began to rattle and sunder.

            "This is it!" Dotty cried

            "We're set to die!" screamed DotDot.
            With fear struck in their eyes, the four other dots all turned to brave Steve, desperately seeking what to do next. Laughing and boasting, Steve showed no fear, taunting the waves knowing they would be saved.

            A tidal wave struck, causing the raft to crumble and sink. The poor little dots began getting swallowed beneath the horrifying waves. Now one might wonder, why not swim? That's because they are dots, who lack human limbs.

            Water weighed them down, and they soon found themselves plummeting into the ocean's depths.

            "It's all over!" They thought to themselves, fear stricken and cold they had come to accept their fate.

            Ocean sand pressed against their backs soon enough, and when their eyes had opened, what was to be seen? Why an oasis, so simple and clean. Running forth towards their new found home, they hollered and cheered.

"Perhaps it was not west that was best, but south where smiles strike our mouths." Steve remarked.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You start out with great humor, especially naming one Steve. I love Steve. You have great command of story structure. There is an incident, rising tension, a climax, then a resolution. Great work. I would love to see more of the dots and Steve.
